Sandbox Marketing Goes Shopping With It’s Music & Moto Madness Tour
Sandbox Marketing has announced it’s plans to produce Music & Moto Madness, a sports and music tour consisting of top up-and-coming regional bands and incredible Freestyle Motocross exhibitions, Sandbox Marketing, LLC, officials revealed today.
Music & Moto Madness is a mobile sports and music tour consisting of top up-and-coming regional bands and incredible Freestyle Motocross exhibitions. Each Music & Moto stop will take place in parking lots of major malls in twenty select cities during July 2003. This mobile, interactive tour will consist of two rigs: A mobile trailer with a launch and landing ramp for the Freestyle Motocross demos and a mobile music stage that will showcase the hottest talent including bands and DJs. Each will travel together and be branded with sponsor’s logos for the entirety of the M&MM Tour.
Consumers can experience sponsor’s products and sevices via interactive displays in addition to winning cool prizes while checking out some of the best FMX athletes in the world and rocking to the hottest bands this country has to offer. On-site sampling and bounce-back couponing will generate additional sales for tour sponsors. In addition, consumers will be directed into sponsor’s stores to vote for their favorite band and register to win free merchandise. The winning band from each stop will be entered into the Music & Moto Meltdown, an internet based contest where consumers can listen to songs from each band and vote for their top choice. The band with the most votes will get a shot at a potential record deal with a major label.
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